Operating systems

  • Microsoft Windows server 2019, 2016, 2012 R2, 2012
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4

StarTeam server for 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems

The minimum memory requirement for StarTeam Server and ActiveMQ MPX Message Broker is 8 GB without the database engine installed on same server. The minimum requirement for StarTeam Server with ActiveMQ MPX Message Broker and database engine installed on the same computer is 16 GB.

StarTeam server Linux requirements:

  • Minimum 16 GB memory.
  • The StarTeam server requires a minimum of 16 GB of swap files.
  • Minimum free disk space 12 GB or more depending on size of files in vault.
  • Recommended that the database engine for PostgreSQL be on the same machine as the StarTeam server.
  • Recommended that the Oracle database engine for StarTeam be on a different machine than the StarTeam server.